Rename-It! is a freeware application that can rename multiple files in seconds, even if they are in different folders. You can also integrate Explorer (optional) with this freeware, making it easier for you to use it. This freeware helps you to add, remove or replace parts of filenames with ease, and also supports renaming by using file properties, MP3 tags, video tags, JPEG JFIF and EXIF tags and text files. It is a useful tool for anyone who works with websites, file archives, media collections etc. Rename Master is a freeware utility designed to rename multiple files at a time. Cons: available for older versions of Windows.Pros: Custom methods can be created using JavaScript.

Advanced Renamer is available in over 15 languages. Based on the information in the files, they can also be copied or moved to new locations.

There are 14 different methods that enable you to change filenames, attributes and time stamps all of this can be accomplished one-by-one or in one go. The names can be manipulated in various ways by configuring renaming methods to suit your requirements.
Text counters can also be added to a series of files. It also adds or removes strings of characters from filenames, and replaces them using simple replacements or powerful regular expressions. It can be used to convert filenames to upper case, lower case or normalize the case, if required. Wild Rename is a multi-file renaming application that helps you to build and perform many file renaming operations one-by-one or in batches.