LECTURES AND DP REQUIREMENTS Lecture and tutorial attendance is compulsory. requesting and receiving feedback from lecturers and tutors as required.ĥ.completing assignments, tests, essays, opinions, and moots.reading prescribed primary and secondary materials.preparing for and participating in all lectures.ACHIEVEMENT These learning outcomes will be achieved by students through: “Our Mission is to be an outstanding teaching and research university, educating for life and addressing the challenges 4.

the ability to integrate different areas of international law and link international legal issues with other legal issues, including interaction with South African domestic law.the ability to communicate clearly in writing and orally and.the ability to answer problem questions and set out various forms of legal argument logically, coherently and concisely.an understanding of the international legal engagements of South Africa and other African countries at regional, continental, and global levels.a good knowledge of the foundational areas of international law.to facilitate the development of the ability to make connections between international law issues and other legal problems.the application of a theoretical knowledge of the law to practical problems) and to facilitate the development of appropriate analytical and problem-solving skills (i.to highlight South Africa’s international legal interactions with other African countries and African continental issues.to examine African engagement and use of international law by South Africa, other African countries, and African continental organisations and mechanisms.to facilitate an understanding of how international law may be applied in specific situations, using treaties, custom, case law, doctrinal sources and other relevant material.to assist with development of knowledge and a thorough understanding of the norms, institutions and processes of international law and their development.Please address any difficulties as soon as these arise and well in advance of assignment deadlines, tests or exams. Convenor and Lecturer Tutors: Ms Jenna Maujean Ms Sheryl Kunaka Ms Rene Francke Students requiring assistance during the course are invited to approach the lecturers and tutors. COURSE PRESENTERS AND ADMINISTRATORS Assoc. “Our Mission is to be an outstanding teaching and research university, educating for life and addressing the challenges PB元001F International Law Course outline and reading list for the first term (13 February –24 March 2023) 1.

Law Of Enrichment Liabilty And Estoppel (PV元704).Mathematics for the intermediate phase 1 (MIP1501).